The last day in Mexico. We had a couple of hours to visit Tepoztlán. This photo of the Tepoztlán mountains was taken looking out the window of our hotel room at the "Hotel NiLaYam", just a couple of blocks from the center of town.
Another photo out the same window. Of the same mountains.
The pool and terrace area of the hotel. If we hadn't spent the day before in Xochicalco and Las Estacas, why we might have been out by the pool, no?
The Zocalo of Tepoztlán.
The 16th century church. They still announce service times using the "cohetes" - sky rockets with 1/2 sticks of dynamite on the end. I caught the sound of one on a short video I shot this very morning.
The archway at the entrance to the church grounds has a mural on it, worked entirely in beans and seeds!
Detail from another section of the mural, to give you an idea how much work went into the mural's creation.
High up on the side of the mountain, the Tepozteco Pyramid. Takes about an hour of stair-climbing to get up to it. I hear there are coati (like a red raccoon) up there, and that they like bananas and mangos. Oh well. Another trip.
Lucky to catch these pictures of Mexico's most famous volcanoes.Popocatepetl ...
and Ixtaccihuatl, the "Sleeping Lady"
On the Cuernavaca toll road descending into the valley of Mexico, you can see the smog layer as you drop down into it.Near the summit of the highway, several miles back, the sky was a clear, dark blue, and even the trees seemed perfectly healthy, like the smog never gets up there.
After take off, we got a couple of pictures of the city out the window of the plane.
Orizaba, the highest peak in Mexico, about 60 miles from Mexico City. Just about missed it, going under the wing of the turning plane.