The "Angel" (actually a Winged Victory), atop the Monument to the Independence, on Avenida de la Reforma.Exclusive! Using a telephoto lens, we were able to get a great close-up of the Angel! Click on the picture of the monument to have a look!
Plaza Garibaldi after a wild night of partying. Notice the empty bottles. I wrongly believed the mariachis would be out looking for business early on a Sunday morning.We were informed that Plaza Garibaldi has an exclusion from Mexico City's tough "no alcohol" laws... it's the only place you can drink legally, outdoors.
The old Post office, beautifully decorated.
Avenida Juarez, the Monument to the Revolution is visible in the distance
Palacio de las Bellas Artes, home of the "Ballet Folklorico". The Ballet showcases traditional dances and costumes from across Mexico.
Sanborn's House of Tiles, or "Casa de Azulejos".
Rodin's "Thinker" sculpture, in front of an old church. There was a traveling Rodin exhibit in the courtyard of the Torre Latino Americano. Interestingly, the church is one of the oldest in the city, and Hernan Cortes reportedly attended there.
Finest candy shoppe in D.F., Dulceria de Celaya, on Avenida 5 de Mayo, about 2 blocks from the Zocalo.
Mexico's national cathedral, eastern edge of the Zocalo.
A sampling of the Diego Rivera murals at the Palacio Nacional, probably some of Rivera's best work.
The main section of the three Diego Rivera murals lining the staircase at the Palacio Nacional.
The popular Sunday market at the Zocalo was forming outside the National Cathedral, next to the entrance to the Templo Mayor areas.
Templo Mayor
Templo Mayor
Templo Mayor
Two cultures. In the foreground ruins of the pre-colombian temple, with a colonial church (the National Cathedral) in the background.
Templo Mayor
Templo Mayor
Three Cultures! Looking from the entrance balcony at the Templo Mayor museum, you can see ancient Aztec pyramids, the Spanish colonial cathedral, and a modern skyscraper (Torre Latino Americano).
Inside the museum at the Templo Mayor, this restored wall of skulls is alongside one of the first exhibit halls.