This recipe was published in "Los Sabores Escondidos de la Ciudad de Mexico, Tomo II (2006)", part of their wonderful story about Los Panchos, one of our favorite hangouts. The book has dozens of other recipes which we hope to try and perhaps several will wind up here. - Doug

Carnitas Los Panchos

8 a 10 porciones

2 kg carne de cerdo surtida de primera calidad, en trozos
3 dientes de ajo, machacados
1 cda de pimienta negra molida
1 1/2 cda, caldo de pollo en polvo
2 tazas (500 g) de manteca de cerdo
1 1/2 tazas (360 ml) de refresco de cola
3/4 taza de jugo de naranja
1 taza (250 ml) de agua

  1. Frote la carne con el ajo, la pimienta y el caldo de pollo.
  2. En una olla caliente la manteca y fría la carne sin dejar de mover hasta dorar uniformemente, debe alcanzar los 97°C (es importante que la manteca la cubra por completo).
  3. Retire la manteca y agregue el refresco, el jugo y el agua.
  4. Deje cocer sobre fuego medio, moviendo constantemente para evita que se peque.
  5. Sirva caliente acompañando con tortillas de maíz y la salsa picante de su preferencia.

8-10 servings

2 kg (4.4 lb) pork, premium quality, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoons ground black pepper
1 1/2 tablespoons powdered chicken broth
2 cups (500 g) pork lard
1 1/2 cups (360 ml) cola
3/4 cup orange juice
1 cup (250 ml) water

  1. Rub the meat with the garlic, pepper and powdered chicken broth.
  2. In a pan, heat the lard and fry the meat, turning until evenly browned, should reach 97°C (it is important for the lard to cover the meat completely).
  3. Remove the lard and add the soda, juice and water.
  4. Simmer over medium heat, stirring constantly to prevent from sticking.
  5. Serve hot with corn tortillas and hot sauce of your choice.